
Stauber appears to lack empathy for the injured and dead police officers from four years ago.
Viewer A may see a story that wasn’t even posted on the platform Viewer B uses.
Some of the pardons were to individuals who attacked law-enforcement officers.
I wonder what Stauber might think if our governor pardoned his assailant.


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Mark my words: Once Trump has served out his term, he’ll go down in history as the greatest world leader for making us great again.
Growing up, my parents made sure we kids got all our shots to keep us healthy.
Is there anybody who is listening and can help?
There will always be someone in your life who cares about you and thinks you are special.
Well, the rule of law is apparently not obvious to President Donald Trump, who freed them all.
The court’s impartiality was already doubtful following its 2010 Citizens United decision, which deemed corporations people for the purposes of campaign contributions.


It might mean naming some early participants or groups who contributed to a meaningful result.
“With liberty and justice for all” has been commonly understood to apply to all Americans, regardless of gender, race, economic status, political ideology, or religion.
He wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America” — because it has a nice ring to it.