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Astro Bob

Subscribers Only
Astro Bob debuts a new podcast for all of Minnesota
A calendar of the best and brightest night-sky happenings.
This week we have two well-timed opportunities to see the star Algol in eclipse.
We visit the the coldest body in the solar system to have its temperature measured on location.


Latest Headlines
If you look for Mars on Monday it just might be MIA.
The place to go to find photos, information and history of all the constellations.
See hot meteors sizzle across the frigid sky on Friday morning, Jan. 3.
A calendar of the month's best and brightest night-sky sights.
An extra starry sky during the holidays.
If you’re not familiar with the night sky, it’s easy to go astray.
Jupiter beams in the east during its closest approach to Earth this year.
The annual shower competes with a bright moon but it's still worth a look.
The Red Planet will take you to the doorstep of one of the sky's brightest but lesser-known star clusters.
A calendar of the best and brightest astronomical events to wrap up the year.