Reader's View: Trump not unlike Jesus and Jeno

Mark my words: Once Trump has served out his term, he’ll go down in history as the greatest world leader for making us great again.

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Those who despise President Donald Trump ought to be ashamed. They have a problem upstairs and desperately need help.

Name someone who would turn down a salary of over $300,000, who rebuilt the Big Apple (and don't say it was luck), who has a family like Trump’s, and who has taken the abuse he has. Name me another leader who accomplished as much in just four years, who’s respected globally, and who the communist leader fears. The only someone I can think of is Jesus Christ.


Some are quick to point out Trump’s sins — the same sins we all commit every day.

And don’t bring up Trump’s casino. That was unfortunate bad timing, where he allowed others to take the hit, a smart move for a man not blind. Those nitpicking Trump need to have their heads examined. When you point a finger, three point back at you, my friend.

Mark my words: Once Trump has served out his term, he’ll go down in history as the greatest world leader for making us great again. You’ll see.

Trump reminds me of a former Duluthian who did so much for the city and who was ridiculed by many: Jeno Paulucci. I have admired him since I was a lad. Yet, when you bring up his name, some surely will still speak badly.

If it wasn’t for the rich, where would we be?

Consider Trump a blessing, the last thread of hope I see, anointed by God, and whose goal, believe it or not, is to keep us free.

Jimmy Luhm


Yuma, Arizona

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