Reader's View: Stauber can’t be silent on Jan. 6 pardons

Some of the pardons were to individuals who attacked law-enforcement officers.

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Shortly after returning to office, President Donald Trump pardoned hundreds of those convicted for the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection, including felons and those convicted by judges he appointed. As a former law-enforcement officer, U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber, I would have expected, would condemn this violation of public safety. Some of the pardons were to individuals who attacked law-enforcement officers.

Why is Stauber silent on this? Wrong is wrong. Fear of retribution from Trump cannot be the moral compass for our elected officials. Stauber's constituency deserves a clear statement regarding whether he supports these Trump pardons or condemns them.


We are waiting.

Bruce McMahon

Akeley, Minnesota

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