The dozen-plus missing persons cases we profiled came from incidents over nearly a century, from 1938 to 2012.
Lois Reiss, Andrew Sadek, Roseau Runestone, Anna Marie Korynta, the Reker sisters
Radar tracks put Michael Bratlie, an experienced military and commercial pilot, just past Two Harbors, Minnesota, in his two-engine plane. There the flight path apparently ended.
In the backwoods of Buzzle Township, Minnesota, is Pinewood — once an lively logging camp filled with lumberjacks and early settlers.


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Two juveniles were charged with arson related to the fire, which caused $75 million in damage ($245 million in 2024 dollars). However, charges were later dropped. Why?
Pandolfo's ill-fated Pan Motor Co. was a minor sensation in Minnesota in the early 1900s, until the dream collapsed with Pandolfo in prison.
Old questions about a mysterious object unearthed in Minnesota more than a century ago get an ancient solution.
Some blamed inventor Thomas Edison, who denied the charge
Jon K. Miller, 84, of Owatonna, was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Mary Schlais, of Minneapolis, in 1974. Investigative genetic genealogy credited with leading to his arrest.
Where did an infamous mobster go when he needed a little rest and relaxation? Residents of the North Shore and Iron Range have long boasted their backyard as the bootlegger’s land of leisure.
Shortly after a pilot and co-pilot began observing a mysterious, glowing object, it rose quickly into the sky and disappeared.
Law enforcement searched a construction site in Winsted, Minnesota, in connection to the 1995 disappearance of the 27-year-old TV news anchor.
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It was reported that at least 6 fires were started that year in Alexandria, Minnesota.
This time of year, when tales of witches, ghosts and things creepy hold sway, what is one to make of first-person accounts of strange and bizarre happenings?