News-Tribune, Jan. 29, 1925
The Twin Ports Bridge Company has released plans for a $500,000 steel lift bridge over the St. Louis River, connecting Duluth and Superior at Grassy Point. Bills authorizing construction are in the hands of the Minnesota and Wisconsin legislatures.
News-Tribune, Jan. 29, 1955
The Duluth School Board has requested building permits for a $700,000 addition to Washington School and a $225,000 addition to Lowell. Meanwhile, St. Michael's Parish wants to construct a new church at 49th Avenue East.
News-Tribune & Herald, Jan. 29, 1985
Former employees of U.S. Steel's Duluth Works can learn whether they were included in a government health survey to determine whether steelworkers have unusually high death rates. The Public Citizen Health Research Group has charged that the government failed to warn 250,000 workers in the study that their health may be in danger.
News Tribune, Jan. 29, 2005
Betty Erickson, owner of the Mostly Moose and More gift shop in Ely, is on her way to Los Angeles, where she'll appear on the "Ellen DeGeneres Show" to discuss the Northland's cold weather.