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the News Tribune Editorial Board

“Our View” editorials are the opinions of the News Tribune as determined by the newspaper’s Editorial Board. Current board members are Publisher Neal Ronquist, Editorial Page Editor Chuck Frederick, and Employee Representative Kris Vereecken.

A community is stronger when its newspaper has a strong voice, when it offers editorials and allows space for others’ opinions on matters important to who we are and where we live. Editorials and other views help start and inspire critical community conversations, those we need to be having, those that can help lead us to consensus and solutions.

News Tribune editorials have long been made stronger by input and perspectives from the community via rotating Citizen Representative positions on the Editorial Board. Anyone in the community can step up and be part of the board. If you are interested in a Citizen Representative posting, please contact Frederick at or 218-723-5316.

To submit a letter

Email submissions to:
Include a full name, address and daytime phone number. Only names and hometowns will be published.

From the editorial: "Just recognizing that Minnesota is graying, how its demographics are changing, and that unprecedented health care challenges are coming is, in itself, encouraging."
From the editorial: "Imagine, elk back in Northeastern Minnesota, their sprawling tree-limb antlers, their haunting bugle cries, and their thick bodies the size of pickup trucks."
From the editorial: "That Great Lakes region supports more than 50 million jobs that could be put in jeopardy by a duel of tariffs."
From the editorial: "'There’s ... comfort in (the myth of) trafficking being perpetrated by strangers, (someone) other than family members, other than neighbors, and people within our own community'.”
From the editorial: "As long as anyone downtown feels compelled to ask what they can do to protect themselves, clearly, more attention, harder work, and ongoing community conversations are needed."
From the editorial: "Taking care of and making better public amenities like parks and libraries and public infrastructure like water systems and bridges is a core responsibility of government."
From the editorial: "(At the inauguration, Sen. Amy Klobuchar) invoked, on one of the largest of national stages, Duluth and native son Bob Dylan."
From the editorial: "Both moments of importance and significance can be celebrated. Each can be given due and appropriate honor."
From the editorial: "(Work) delays caused by ... no-show Democrats and by uncompromising, reality-ignoring Republicans jeopardize the entire session."