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Jim Heffernan

Jim Heffernan is a former Duluth News Tribune news and opinion writer and columnist. He maintains a blog at jimheffernan.org and can be reached by email at jimheffernan@jimheffernan.org.

In the same spirit as the idea of the United States taking over Greenland, Minnesota should take over Isle Royale.
I have resolved to take more of the medicines they advertise on late-night television.
I’m not going to visit lutefisk today. It gets so much ridicule each year I think people are getting as tired of hearing about it as they are of eating it.
Something is disquieting to me about the proliferation of flags these days.
Passing the driver’s test for me and some of my friends was considered the overarching achievement of our lives.
As a youngster I never liked onions. How could an onion hater ever be elected to high office or even low office?
As I move through the world, I encounter so many things that should be discussed with today’s young people that I sense are not being talked about.
I know a lot of people my age have tried it in spite of the dire warnings we received as teenagers. But not me.
In my youth, a long time ago, around the time the 50-foot woman was first lurking about, I had a friend whose summer job at the former Elliott Meat Packing Co. in Duluth was herding sheep to their ultimate demise.
Sad to see Florian is gone. He kept going with the music well into his 90s, always broadly smiling and seeming to be singing, “Roll out the barrel, and we’ll have a barrel of fun ..."