The court said the state agency must determine, again, whether the planned expansion of a basin holding back mine waste near Lake Superior requires an environmental impact statement.
Under the 2018 settlement, Maplewood-based 3M agreed to pay the state $850 million for contamination from PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
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Laura Arneson, 27, and her friends traveled hundreds of miles on the Noatak River.
The notice came after the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency denied U.S. Steel's request allowing downstream Hay Lake to have sulfate levels nearly 8 times higher than the state wild rice standard.


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I don't imagine the muskrat realizes its tunneling has destroyed the very dam that held back the water that created the pond it called home.
Carlton County is partaking in the annual Treecycling program, which provides free Christmas greenery drop-off locations
From the column: "'Where we can produce these minerals safely and ethically in our backyard, we should'."
Amid a two-year bird flu outbreak, University of Minnesota researchers will study the impact on Minnesota’s wildlife.
The project, potentially under threat, needs our urgent advocacy
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With an average temperature of 44.6 degrees, Duluth felt the effects of El Nino punctuating a decades-long warming trend due to greenhouse gas emissions released by human activities.
The state funding will go toward infrastructure, with an equal match to be provided by the city and the land owner to reclaim the former Superfund property.
A livable future requires that we rapidly and aggressively shift to solar, wind, geothermal, and other types of sustainable energy.
Talon Metals said it would use a more traditional method of tunneling underground, and would keep all above-ground operations in one building.
The Chippewa National Forest in northern Minnesota has seen rapid health decline due to invasive creatures, drought, and fires.