A woman reportedly told a staff member she could not care for the child and left the newborn in their care.
Aimee Bock, who founded and was executive director of the defunct Twin Cities nonprofit, is facing trial along with Salim Said, a former owner of a Lake Street restaurant.
The St. Cloud Police Department said the investigation is active and ongoing, but that it was not a random incident.
Dahl revealed details of telemarketing companies that started in the Twin Cities and moved elsewhere, and how the scammers bought and sold phone scripts and “suckers lists."


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The male victim was “struck on the top of the head with a metal tire iron, attacked with punches and attempted to be stabbed with a knife,” according to criminal complaints.
Presented with new evidence, a jury rejected Michael Carbo's claim that another person was responsible for the death of Nancy Daugherty.
“Chauvin then assumed his signature pose, pressing his knee into the subdued and handcuffed Patty’s back — just as he would later do to snuff the life out of George Floyd,” the lawsuit reads.
The driver admitted that she had been viewing a TikTok video when the accident took place on Sept. 3, 2024, according to the criminal complaint.
Messages allegedly showed the defendant arranging to sell fentanyl pills to the Duluth woman.
Lawsuit claims that four months before George Floyd's murder, officer Derek Chauvin used excessive force and knelt on Patricia Day’s back while she was handcuffed.
The resident had been acting erratically and appeared to be under the influence of drugs, according to court filings.
As reported by St. Louis County District Court.
White House press secretary said Wednesday "The President's (Executive orders) on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented"
The U of M's Natural Resources Research Institute still hopes a $1.3 million grant will help it study the feasibility of using hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in iron ore processing.