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Don Kinzler


A lifelong gardener, Don was born and raised in Lisbon, N.D. and graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in Horticulture. Following graduation, he was employed with NDSU’s Experiment Station in Fruit and Vegetable Research and Woody Plant Improvement, and with Extension as Associate State Horticulturist. He and his wife, Mary, then owned and operated a retail garden center in south Fargo for 25 years. Don is currently NDSU Extension's Horticulturist for Cass County, N.D., the garden columnist with Forum Communications, and host of WDAY’s Lawn and Garden Radio during the growing season. He’s a frequent presenter of gardening programs and seminars. Don and Mary, reside in south Fargo. Readers can reach him at

Columns by Don Kinzler
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In Fielding Questions, a reader shares his successful experiences and offers details on what he has learned.
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Burpee has developed tomato and pepper cultivars whose seeds can be planted directly in the garden, instead of using transplants.
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Readers also asked about rejuvenating a spider plant and when to plant tomato seeds.
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The lifespan of a houseplant is almost completely in our own hands, because we control most of the factors in which we place our plants.


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In Fielding Questions, reader also asked whether apple trees should still be wrapped for the winter.
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From music in the garden to plants with holes, here’s a look at trends growing in popularity this year.
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In Fielding Questions, Don Kinzler also provides more insight on growing onions.