Devlyn Brooks 2021

Devlyn Brooks


Devlyn Brooks is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and serves Faith Lutheran Church in Wolverton, Minnesota. He blogs about faith at, and can be reached at

"This is why we pour time into our neighbors. Because they do notice; they know when you’re seeing and hearing them. When you aren’t just going about the motions. When you’re present."
"The gospels give me hope, however. ... After all, Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus to Egypt after an angel warned them of King Herod’s plot to kill the boy."
“My brother and I weren’t 'call-each-other-every-day' close,” Devlyn Brooks writes. “It was through his death that I discovered just how large of an impact that he had on people.”
“As we chase those golden rings ... not only are we endangering our own health and our community’s collective health, we also are ignoring Jesus’ teachings as well.”
"Imagine how much healthier we all may be if we collectively decided that for just this short time each year, less than a fortnight, relationships mattered more than productivity, people more than profits."
“In Santa’s words, what the world needs now more than ever is faithful people willing to see each person as the beloved child of God they are,” columnist Devlyn Brooks writes
"May the Holy Spirit grace you with some Sabbath time in which you can reflect on the true meaning of the birth of Christ and the peace that brings to the awaiting world."
"I suspect we all have a ways to go toward defining our faith experience, because we’re all stuck with experiencing our own particular piece of the 'elephant.' "
"I pray that you, too, find yourself filled with the curiosity of learning more about others’ faith practices. I am confident it makes us more faithful people ourselves."
“Most of us actually have everything we need, but we are tricked into believing that we need more. … And all this does is breed more discontentment.”