An executive order by President Donald Trump to end birthright citizenship — which made any person born in the U.S. a citizen — takes effect this month. Minnesota has joined a lawsuit against it.
As Minnesota House continues negotiations and Democrats boycott, Republican party announces effort to boot Democrats.
Sen. Doron Clark’s swearing-in breaks the Senate tie and triggers a heated discussion over dissolving the power-sharing agreement
Civil rights attorney Nekima Levy Armstrong said the boycott against Target began Feb. 1, the first day of Black History Month.


Latest Headlines
Gov. Tim Walz appointed Audrey Partridge as the new Commissioner of the Public Utilities Commission on Thursday, Jan. 30.
Republicans hone in on sentence change for human trafficking, court system transparency and tackling "soft-on crime" policies
Minnesota DFL Party Chair Ken Martin is among eight candidates in an internal party race for DNC chair, which culminates with a vote Saturday just outside Washington, D.C.
In an attempt to stop the salaries of boycotting Democrats, Minnesota House Republicans have filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Steve Simon with the Minnesota Supreme Court
Republicans focus in on ways to alleviate pressures of Democrats' 2023 “Carbon Free by 2040” bill, while testimony from the Prairie Island Indian Community prompts lawmakers to hold off on voting.
White House press secretary said Wednesday "The President's (Executive orders) on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented"
Gov. Tim Walz, Lt. Gov Peggy Flanagan and Attorney General Keith Ellison speak out against President Donald Trump’s freeze on federal funding
After two weeks of successful power-sharing, the Senate will revert to a majority after Tuesday’s special election
Matt Staehling will leave his post in St. Cloud to replace David Montgomery, who aims to retire for his third time.
The judge said her temporary ruling was intended to "maintain the status quo," but it does not restart funding that has ended or stop the freezing of new funding programs