The court said the state agency must determine, again, whether the planned expansion of a basin holding back mine waste near Lake Superior requires an environmental impact statement.
The U of M's Natural Resources Research Institute still hopes a $1.3 million grant will help it study the feasibility of using hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in iron ore processing.
From the column: "The world will not turn its back on its most abundant, affordable, and secure fuel. America’s coal leadership has been precisely backward."
The notice came after the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency denied U.S. Steel's request allowing downstream Hay Lake to have sulfate levels nearly 8 times higher than the state wild rice standard.
“I think there was a sense around Minnesota that they want us to work together a little more, look for opportunities for bipartisanship,” said Sen. Nick Frentz, DFL-North Mankato
An official weighing whether to accept a judge's recommendation to reject it placed those proceedings on hold after NewRange said it is studying potential changes to its design.