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Unity game development

We can create an immersive world using the Unity engine to make your game outcompete. Our experienced team can turn your creative ideas into excellent software and design breathtaking gameplay.

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    • Game Development and AI: The AI Revolution in Gaming
      14 min read . 1206 views
      23, Apr, 2023
      Anton Paramonov

      Game Development and AI: The AI Revolution in Gaming

      The gaming industry has come a long way since the early days of pixelated characters and simple gameplay mechanics. Today, video game developers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, creating…

    • Unity vs Unreal: Comparing Which Game Engine Is Better
      6 min read . 1347 views
      31, Mar, 2023
      Denys Kliuch

      Unity vs Unreal: Comparing Which Game Engine Is Better

      Whether you are a freelance game developer or big studio, you must have heard or even worked with Unity or Unreal Engine. Both search engines are popular. Some might say that Unreal is…

    • AI in Unity: Game Development Basics
      13 min read . 1459 views
      24, Mar, 2023
      Daria Holoskokova

      AI in Unity: Game Development Basics

      Key Highlights AI tools are revolutionizing the game development industry, enhancing player engagement and improving the overall development process. Unity game developers can benefit from using AI tools to streamline their workflow and…

    • What is Web3 gaming?
      4 min read . 3005 views
      30, Sep, 2022
      Denys Kliuch

      What is Web3 gaming?

      The concept of Web 3.0 has been around for the last few years. What did this decentralized, blockchain-enabled, token-ruled platform bring to the gaming industry? What is Web3 gaming? Whimsy Games experts will…

    • Godot vs Unity: All You Need to Know
      7 min read . 3256 views
      16, Sep, 2022
      Denys Kliuch

      Godot vs Unity: All You Need to Know

      Unity is the most common association with the gaming and game development world. Gamedev specialists have been using it for a long time, and many popular titles use it. The impending implementation of…

    • How is the development of Web 3.0 projects different from Web 2.0 and why you should switch to blockchain now
      2 min read . 3785 views
      12, Sep, 2022
      Denys Kliuch

      How is the development of Web 3.0 projects different from Web 2.0 and why you should switch to blockchain now

      The development of Web 3.0 projects marks a significant departure from the traditional Web 2.0 paradigm. Web 2.0, characterized by centralized platforms and intermediaries, is being challenged by the release of Web 3.0,…

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    We at Whimsy Games can create any character, background, or object you need to make your mobile game stand out from others.
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    Meet Our Clients and Partners

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    Inspired by an ambitious goal to turn GameFi industry to the next level, and deliver outstanding Web3 gaming experience to our community

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    An international company that implements effective marketing solutions at the intersection of art and innovation, focusing on the consumer's WOW effect

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    Creators of Social Games in which a group of players form a micro-community where members play together as a tribe to accomplish goals.

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    The most trusted golf launch monitors and golf simulators, delivering the game's most accurate performance data.

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    An immersive, multi-region fantasy world where players build their kingdoms, explore the lands, collect, breed, and battle their Legionnaires


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