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The New York Mills Regional Cultural Center's 32nd annual Great American Think-Off question asks “Is there only one truth, or are there many truths?” Finalists in the essay contest will debate views.
Authorities continue to ask for help in gathering any information about what may have happened to Carla Beth Anderson, who disappeared in 1987
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The mom of an interracial family in Wadena claims her daughter was harassed by Wadena-Deer Creek students
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The New York Mills Regional Cultural Center's 31st annual Great American Think-Off question asks if freedom of speech is worth the price paid for it. Everyday people will debate it at an exhibition.


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A Minnesota-based author who appeared at the Wadena City Library signs travel guidebooks that include tips for visiting the Northwoods or advice for tourists looking for a state-specific adventure.
Minnesota native Aaron Simmons, who is poised to be a rising star in Nashville, will perform on June 9 at Burlington Northern Park. He headlines the inaugural June Jubilee Country Concert in Wadena.
A 2019 Freightliner Cascadia was traveling north on Highway 71 and a 2012 Nissan Pathfinder was traveling east on Leaf River Road. They collided at the intersection.
Wadena County is among a number of area counties focused on loosening the grip mental illness has on the area.
The tour provided a chance to show how the facility was working to address health care needs in rural areas.
The Wadena, Minnesota, man suffered a major setback when COVID-19 put him out of commission during last year's potato harvest.
The journey for chef Martin Schmidlin to arrive in America with his family was difficult but worthwhile.
Authorities continue to ask for help in gathering any information about what may have happened to Carla Beth Anderson, who disappeared 34 years ago.
Authorities continue to ask for help in gathering any information about what may have happened to Carla Beth Anderson, who disappeared 34 years ago.
When the pandemic really hit the area in Spring 2020, there was a “demand shock” as people bought extra products and bought different products based on what funds they had available. Both changed the demand and disrupted the supply chain.