DTA Pass will return on Monday for public high school students and district employees all week long and during the summer.
The 400 block of East Fourth Street will be affected.
Capacity-building grants and communication will be key to business survival as traffic patterns change during construction over the St. Louis Bay.
From the column: "The state of Minnesota can’t achieve (its) worthwhile goals by spending additional money building new lanes on existing highways or by building new highways."


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From the column: "This is not an opposition to the DTA but a request for a simple adjustment to the bus-stop location."
Local officials say a pending $11.2 million federal aid package will assist with critical repairs.
The Sept. 19 crash caused non-life-threatening injuries for the school bus driver and all 21 students on board.
We've all met people who seem to think workers and neighbors should be used and not seen.
They say cars loaded with shining Christmas lights are a safety hazard that can bring a citation to go along with the social media love.
"Double bah humbug!"
Downtown and Canal Park should be together and not separated by freeway dangers with a strictly roadway use in a limited area.
From the column: "Charges would be reversed for noisy teenagers ... (and anyone) living on the Point could get a free pass."
The pilot, a flight instructor, told a student the day before the crash that he was "a little nervous" about the flight, the National Transportation Safety Board said.
There appears to be a significant shortage of parking spaces, where angled parking versus parallel parking would have produced many more spots.