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Barb Owen Boerger's kimonos and sarongs are pretty, but they're pretty poison to the flies, mosquitoes and pesky bugs that dare to land on them.
Editor’s note: Some events may have been canceled after the time of publication. Please check with local organizers. Email events to
Four days packed with events are set for Duluth and Superior this Labor Day weekend.
Also this week: Bad Bad Hats at Glensheen, Fuse Fest, Shaunna Heckman with DSSO members, "Liberace and Liza" and Bart Sutter.


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Editor’s note: Some events may have been canceled after the time of publication. Please check with local organizers. Email events to
Editor’s note: Some events may have been canceled after the time of publication. Please check with local organizers. Email events to
The casts of "Godspell Jr." and "Mean Girls High School Version" have prepared their shows in just four weeks.
Editor’s note: Some events may have been canceled after the time of publication. Please check with local organizers. Email events to
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Brianna Crockett, of Minnesota Ballet, is choreographing works to perform at every concert in the third-annual celebration of classical music for small ensembles.
Also this week: "Take It With You" season announcement, Pickup Truck Opera, two authors at Grand Marais' Drury Lane, youth at Wussow's and "American Graffiti" at Zeitgeist.
Also this week: Boss Mama Bridge Session; Agate Fest at Ursa Minor; emerging artists at Studio Four; screenwriting contest at Zeitgeist; and Old Time Fiddle Contest in Mountain Iron.
The free show featuring the Canadian Forces Snowbirds will be best visible along the shores of Lake Superior around Canal Park and downtown Duluth.
Also this week: Nur-D at Glensheen, Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra, Wussow's turns 25, a new Craig Blacklock exhibit and Zoo La Palooza.
Musical acts include 1990s rock band Smash Mouth and country band LoCash.