The notice came after the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency denied U.S. Steel's request allowing downstream Hay Lake to have sulfate levels nearly 8 times higher than the state wild rice standard.
Boston University research found PFAS levels were highest in ski coaches, veteran athletes and those who waxed more than 100 pairs of skis in a year.
Neonicotinoid insecticides are a class of neurotoxic chemicals commonly applied to seeds before they are planted.
From the column: "Why should we mine toxic, high-sulfide nickel in northern Minnesota when other areas of the world have nickel that is not in toxic, high-sulfide deposits?"


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No reports of additional fish killed after the city's Woodland Reservoir leaked again.
From the editorial: "Of course, grocery bag bans won’t alone solve the global plastic trash problem."
The state agency said the kill followed a release of up to 500,000 gallons of water from a city of Duluth-owned reservoir.
Several states, tribal nations and environmental groups argue that reducing mercury is long overdue.
Stretch downstream of Hartley Park hit hard by something in the water
Drivers, if you pull over or get caught behind a train, turn off your car.
A cold front is carrying smoke through the state Sunday.
From the column: "Facts indicate that mining contributes very little to the Minnesota economy ... but contributes a great deal to the story of pollution and environmental damage on the Iron Range."
Volunteers are needed to clean Duluth watersheds of trash.
The legislation, which would reinstate Twin Metals' leases and curb judicial review, now heads to the Democrat-controlled Senate. The White House said it "strongly opposes" it.