The U of M's Natural Resources Research Institute still hopes a $1.3 million grant will help it study the feasibility of using hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in iron ore processing.
The Natural Resources Research Institute is partnering with the University of Minnesota and Tufts University on the U.S. Department of Energy-funded projects.
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LP Building Solutions' Innovation Center tests and showcases products.
From rapid shade for homeowners to soaking up pollution to feedstock for biofuels, new InnovaTree may have many markets.


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Female fishers didn't nest in them, but they used the boxes that seemed to be a curiosity to some wildlife.
The EPA-funded project could help protect water quality and steer fisheries management.
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University of Minnesota Duluth researchers found cooler water and higher stream flows with beaver dams in place.
A U of M study is looking for collision hotspots and how deer accidents can be reduced.
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The Minnesota birds are sending weekly reports from their winter getaway.
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The University of Minnesota Duluth effort found beaver ponds provide important water storage even years after the beavers are gone.
Placing tiny transmitters on woodcock chicks helps identify the best habitat.
Northland terns, which winter in Peru, return to the same sites to nest.
Across Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ontario, southern flying squirrels are pushing their cousins north.
In February, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will release a blueprint on how it plans to begin to deal with "forever chemicals."