The Minnesota Department of Health

The Minnesota Department of Health's investigation concluded on Jan. 21.
The Minnesota Department of Health has reported a higher rate of norovirus outbreaks in the state this December than in previous years.
Referencing cases of government fraud in Minnesota, lawmakers are looking to tackle fiscal responsibility and accountability in the upcoming session
A Bayshore Residence and Rehabilitation Center staff member posted the recordings on Snapchat, the Minnesota Department of Health confirmed in a report.


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Public utilities across the state provided property-by-property inventory of water service line material, though not all records are complete.
The Heritage Haven staff member made purchases on a cosmetics website, the Minnesota Department of Health said in a report.
The Minnesota Department of Health substantiated claims of maltreatment at BeeHive Homes.
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Minnesotans have until Thursday to provide feedback on the state's proposed 10-year action plan on drinking water.
Health officials are reminding people that bats can have rabies and to take the proper steps if you come in contact with a bat in order to avoid the nearly always fatal disease
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COVID is falling into a twice-a-year pattern in Minnesota and the U.S. But "that doesn't mean that COVID doesn't still surprise us" four years and some change after the global pandemic emerged.
Older adults in the state continue to be at highest risk, officials report
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Walz, who is Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate on the 2024 Democratic presidential ticket, has advanced policy changes on abortion, gender-affirming care and medical debt.
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The Minnesota Department of Health released data on adverse health events, which include falls, bedsores and medication errors, that happened in Minnesota's hospitals in 2023
Ticks that carry Lyme and other diseases have been out all winter but will increase as days get warmer.