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Melinda Lavine

Melinda Lavine is a former Duluth News Tribune reporter.

Four open mics and two pro shows a week is unheard of for a community of this size, said Danielle Thralow, Duluth comedy regular.
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Spirit of the Lake Community Arts centers all-ages education, public enrichment
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Maji ya Chai Land Sanctuary will offer programming to support healing from trauma and stress with offerings such as sound baths, yoga and movement.
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Jess and Julie Koski completed a 3,400-mile pilgrimage to raise awareness about overdose prevention and harm reduction.
Moriah Skye, aka stage name Robyn Graves, will perform at the Homegrown Music Festival with Campfire Tranarchists and Flip Arkulary.
Annmarie Geniusz joins Sarah Brokke, David Moreira and others who laid their cover designs on the Duluth music festival's omnipresent go-to in print.
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The facility recently unveiled a new computer center, shelving, chairs and an ergonomic service desk.
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Minnesota law requires one full-time licensed school nurse for districts with 1,000 students or more.
“This effort is not meant to be snarky. We’re being sort of playful with what happened,” said event organizer Chad McKenna.
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The Minnesota Film Festival runs April 3-7 at Zeitgeist.