Hibbing High School celebrates 100 years of history

From educating Bob Dylan to winning the Bellamy academic award to a governor inauguration; Hibbing High School has played a role in notable historic events and people.

Hibbing High School
Hibbing High School at 800 E. 21st St. in Hibbing.
Tyler Schank / 2019 file / Duluth Media Group

HIBBING — OK, so you might already know that Bob Dylan attended Hibbing High School. But did you know that former Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich graduated there in 1943 and held his inauguration there in 1983?

Or that a journalist, Bethany McLean, known for her writing about the Enron scandal and the 2008 financial crisis, graduated there in 1988?


Have you ever heard of the Bellamy Award, the time Hibbing won it in 1968, and the pomp and ceremony that accompanied it?

If not, there's never been a better time to learn about all this and more as the school celebrates its 100th anniversary this week. The celebration is already underway with free school history tours, Hibbing history Greyhound and Shubat bus tours, and free celebrations every night until Friday, themed around a different facet of the high school.

Bob Dylan fans head into Hibbing High School on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 10, 2016 for a ceremony recognizing Bob Dylan Day in Minnesota. (Clint Austin /
Fans head into Hibbing High School on Dec. 10, 2016, for a ceremony recognizing Bob Dylan Day in Minnesota.
Clint Austin / File / Duluth Media Group

"We've already had so many wonderful visitors," organizer and Hibbing school board member Kim McLaughlin said. "We've had people who never went here but wanted to set the record straight about things they'd heard over the years about the school. It's a good chance to make sure this history is being shared and to make sure it's being carried on for generations to come."

McLaughlin said she and a school board colleague started planning the celebration in November to ensure the 100th anniversary was noteworthy. But her fellow organizer, Kathy Nyberg, died in January, leaving the planning to her and the rest of the newly formed committee.

"She was a proud Bluejacket at the heart, and this was something that was so important to her. When she died, it put a ripple through our community," McLaughlin said. "I felt that I needed to pick up the ball and carry it forward as a tribute to her as well. I hope she's looking down on us and we're doing OK for her."

Hibbing High School Auditorium
The Minnesota Orchestra performs in the Hibbing High School Auditorium in May 2014.
Contributed / Travis Anderson

Alumni from every decade, from the 1940s to the 2020s, will be represented every evening. All free evening programs will start at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium.

Monday evening's program will focus on academics and include a musical tribute to Bob Dylan by Toby Inforzato, speaker Bethany McLean and the story behind the Bellamy Award. The Bellamy Award was given in honor of Francis Bellamy, the author of the Pledge of Allegiance. The award came in the form of the presentation of a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol on Bellamy's birthday.


"It's just the highest level of academic excellence," McLaughlin said. "I'm excited to hear more about it from a student who was here back in 1968."

Tuesday's program celebrates alumni and include several musical performances from alumni such as Paul Cicmil, Will Durie, Chaz Wagner and more.

Wednesday, the program focus shifts to the auditorium itself and will include history presentations from alumni, a performance from the Hibbing City Band and memories from the 1983 inauguration of Rudy Perpich.

12xx19.N.DNT.HibbingAuditorium c01.JPG
Hibbing High School Auditorium seats 1,805 people and was modeled after the Capitol Theater in New York City.
Tyler Schank / File / Duluth Media Group

"He was the first governor in Minnesota to be sworn in somewhere other than the Capitol. He picked Hibbing because that's where he graduated, and so it was close to his family," McLaughlin said.

Thursday celebrates music at the high school and will include marching band memories, a tribute to Hibbing drummer Jimmy Hyde and music from the McCarthy Beats Band.

The final day of the celebration, Friday, will celebrate the school's 100 years with a recognition of teachers, administrators and staff of the past and present, Hibbing trivia and an alumni choir performance.

Bernie Sanders, surrounded by a group of young people, speaks in the Hibbing High School auditorium before a crowd of about 600 people in 2016.
Bob King / File / Duluth Media Group

"The current choir director and a former choir director put out the call for alumni, and at last count, there were over 100 alumni willing to come back and perform together," McLaughlin said. "It's going to be amazing to see them all on that stage together."


Those traveling to Hibbing on Thursday and Friday might also want to check out the Hibbing Jubilee celebrations put on by the Hibbing Chamber of Commerce. If you stick around until Saturday, there's a festival, carnival, parade and street dance as well.

For more information about the Hibbing High School 100 year celebration, visit

Teri Cadeau is a features reporter for the Duluth News Tribune. Originally from the Iron Range, Cadeau has worked for several community newspapers in the Duluth area, including the Duluth Budgeteer News, Western Weekly, Weekly Observer, Lake County News-Chronicle, and occasionally, the Cloquet Pine Journal. When not working, she's an avid reader, crafter, dancer, trivia fanatic and cribbage player.


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