DTA Pass will return on Monday for public high school students and district employees all week long and during the summer.
From the column: "This is not an opposition to the DTA but a request for a simple adjustment to the bus-stop location."
Road and utility work on 1.65 miles of West Superior Street will be done in phases from 2025-2028.
A cooperative solution may preserve a vital transportation link for some of the city's most vulnerable residents.


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Up to 10,000 people ride the buses each day.
The pilot program begins Jan. 16 and runs through June 6.
Not many people I know want to or can walk several blocks to catch a bus.
No matter where I get off, I have to walk one block one way or the other.
This is yet another inconvenience and waste of time, having to backtrack to get places that are less than a mile apart.
Regular riders will tell you buses function as “third places,” spaces other than home and work where one feels comfortable, safe, and connected to others.
Changes to the existing network will include consolidated routes, fewer stops and quicker access to UMD and the mall.
From the editorial: "Half a million dollars more for the Duluth Transit Authority and an approximately 8% increase in the city tax levy will be a lot to bear in 2023."
Property tax concerns are prompting a closer look at a doubling of the Duluth Transit Authority's funding request.
From the column: "It occurred to me then that something sacred was happening. Between his sharing and our rapt attention and budding compassion, a bond was forming."