Kelly Robinson was 22-years-old when her body was found floating in gravel pit pond on Memorial Day 1984. Investigators allowed the case to go cold after being unable to prove their theory.
Susan Swedell, 19 at the time, was last seen at a gas station a mile from her home
The idea of reporting a missing person can be overwhelming. Here are the steps that should be taken.
Television shows have perpetuated the belief that 24 hours must pass before a missing persons report can be filed. That's false.


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The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Office was created in 2021 with the goal of reducing the number of unsolved cases in Minnesota.
La’Darian Broadnax’s 2019 shooting death. Thomas Lee’s 1993 disappearance. The 1986 Ronnie Bromenschenkel and Cynthia Schmidt case. Area investigators still searching for answers in these unsolved cases.
Advancements in forensic DNA analysis are opening the doors to answers in decades-old cold cases
For the first time, Jon Keith Miller's DNA profile will be included in state and national databases -- and investigators are standing by.
The DNA Doe Project has identified the man discovered in at St. Paul building in 1985 as 33-year-old Frank Augenti
Jon K. Miller lived quietly in Austin, Minnesota, in the years leading up to his arrest for the 1974 murder of Mary Schlais. His DNA will now be included in CODIS, where it had previously not existed.
The death certificate, which indicates he stabbed himself before leaping from a tall ledge, isn't sitting well with those who knew Mitch Twite
The 22-year-old was last seen leaving a St. Paul bar on Oct. 26, 1982. Her remains were found 80 miles away in 1989.
Amy Pagnac was last seen by her stepfather on Aug. 5, 1989, at an Osseo gas station. There are no suspects in her case.
Jon K. Miller, 84, of Owatonna, was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Mary Schlais, of Minneapolis, in 1974. Investigative genetic genealogy credited with leading to his arrest.